Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Marc Jacobs

Serbian Gender Bender Becomes Face of Marc Jacobs

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Andrej looking male-like in this shot. Is he the ULTIMATE model?
Fashion designer Marc Jacobs has a vision for his spring line, and it comes in the form of "Cindy Crawford's bone structure, Kate Moss' body" (The Daily Beast) and an Adam's apple. In an in-depth feature, the website delves into the story of Andrej Pejic, the 19-year-old Serbian/Australian, gender-bending male model sensation revolutionizing the fashion industry.
In an editorial for TUSH magazine

"In times of economic prosperity, clients can afford to use people that are using people that a little more interesting," says Matthew Anderson, manager of Chadwick Models in Melbourne. "We had this really interesting boy on our hands. So we thought, 'Let him finish high school first.' I knew at the time we had someone potentially very big on our hands."

In December, Jacobs officially announced Pejic as the face of his spring campaign, and in an instant, he's become the hottest model in the lead-up to Paris Fashion Week. Andrej is now the biggest name in the "femiman" movement, which aims for androgynous beauty, going on in the fashion industry.
From the Sring 2011 Marc Jacobs campaign

Pejic knew he was different as a young boy fleeing from Bosnia. But despite stigmas about his transexuality, Pejic wasn't terrorized as a child. "A lot of macho guys did think of me as a girl," Pejic says of his high school years. "Though I can't really say that it was ever a bad thing. All I'll say is ... a lot of free drinks!"

While the New York Times called 2010 the year of the transexual, Pejic has been a phenomenon all by himself, garnering a unique following of fans from such blogs as F**k Yeah Andrej Pejic

Another blogger, Elias Bailey, hails Pejic as an important symbol of gender neutrality in pop culture. "I don't see him as merely a boy who looks kind of like a girl, but as someone whose physical sex is truly of no consequence to his beauty," Bailey writes. "I really do hope that this trend signals a real shift in the way that people think about androgyny. For those of us who are androgynous and ordinary people, not models or rock stars, it'd be nice if people started being more tolerant of us."
amy x

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